If you want your sims to be nudists, you will have to download nude clothes. What this mod DOESN'T do! This mod does not allow you to make your sims naked anywhere other than they normally would be. The original mod, prior to toddlers, was a simple edit of the same DATA resource as above but in the ClientFullBuild0.package. It should not conflict with anything, as the censor file is a standalone file within the package. This mod is a simple edit of the DATA resource 0x545AC67A 0x00D6FA33 0xDEAD4915C9C6C0D8 file in the ClientDeltaBuild0.package. I hope nobody is alarmed by the FadeWolf posting, it refers to the mod that overwrites the sliders data and not to this particular mod.What this mod does! As always making a backup of your game data before poking around with patches is wise and can save you agony and keyboard smashing moments. Please note that there is an update to the Awesomemod that allows it to function in integrity with the Sims3 update patch. If you are having the error message when you reach 80something % of installing (the update patch for Sims3) as I did, then this could be the solution you are looking for to resolve the issue.

Then I simply installed the file from this thread as per the instructions and the official patch Sims3_1.2.7 was successfully installed with no loading issues so far. The directory for that file is C:/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3/Game/Bin on my vista 32bit system.įOR THOSE THAT DO NOT HAVE A backup OF THE SHADER FILE (the original game file that was replaced by the CyberOps mod) AND WISH TO SWAP IT OUT FOR RICKs FILE it is located on the DVD original game file you used to INSTALL the game, simply do a search and verify that the file you choose to copy and paste is the one from the game disc file and not the one from your Program Files Vr795: Just copy paste your saved file "aka original backed up file" into your program file directory and allow it to overwrite the file you installed from the CyberOps censor patch file (named: Shaders_Win32.precomp on vista 32bit). I JUST REMOVED THE "OTHER" CENSOR MOD TO INSTALL THIS AND RUN THE SIMS3 UPDATE PATCH.